Where It’s More Than the Money…It’s About Serving the Community!
(Updated February 2024)
First National Bank of Waynesboro is dedicated to making our community a great place to live. In addition to supporting many local organizations financially, the bank also coordinates and participates in a variety of community projects, charitable fundraisers and local events. Below is a list of some of those projects.
Giving Back to the Community We’ve Been a Member of Since 1905!
D.O.O.R. (Downtown Organization of Retailers)
- The bank supports this organization by providing leadership, financial support and volunteers for downtown events and projects such as Christmas on Liberty Square, Boss Hog Cook-Off, Thunder on Liberty Classic Car Show, Earth Day Festival, and Trick or Treat on Liberty Street.
- Christmas on Liberty Square and the Boss Hog Cook-Off each attract more than 3,000 people.
- D.O.O.R was created by a First National Bank employee in 1999; leadership is still held by FNB employees.
- The bank allows employees opportunity to earn time off when they volunteer for downtown events.
- The bank is active in helping D.O.O.R. improve our downtown and increase its vitality.
- Two employees serve on the Board of this organization:
- Nan Palmer Lynch, Co-Chair
- Lindsey Beazley Keller, Co-Chair
The Wimberly House
- At Christmas on Liberty Square First National has an annual fundraiser, which is staffed by FNB employees and all proceeds go to the Wimberly House.
- FNB supports many school events and projects at local public and private schools. We are active in furthering school groups from the marching band, show choir and athletics.
- FNB participates in various Career Days and Business Expos.
- FNB offers the Education First Grant through our A+ Account. Teachers are eligible to apply for grants that cover items that fall outside the normal school budget twice a year (fall and spring).
Individual Involvement
In addition to our community involvement, FNB also encourages employees to take part in organizations of their choice. Many times FNB allows employees to assist these organizations during normal work hours. See the list below of some of the groups our employees serve (included but not limited to)…
Botsford Baptist Church
Children's Ministry Volunteer; Women on a Mission Committee Member
Burke County Chamber of Commerce
Board Member; Treasurer
Burke County Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Tournament
Participants; Volunteers
Burke County Health Foundation
Board Member
City of Sardis City Council
City of Sardis City Council
City of Sardis City Christmas Tree Lighting
City of Sardis City Fireworks
Downtown Development Authority
Board Member; Committee Chairs
Downtown Open House
Ducks Unlimited
Annual Banquet Chairman; Volunteers
Edmund Burke Academy
Alumni Association Members; Redd Zone Award Chair; Concession Volunteers
First Baptist Church
Personal Committee Member
Georgia Field Trial Association
Hat & Spur Ranch Rodeo
Concession Volunteer
Sardis Baptist Church
Counting Committee Member; Clerk
Waynesboro Country Club
Board Member; Members; Treasurer; Ladies Golf Association Member; Ladies Golf Association Treasurer
Waynesboro Exchange Club
Waynesboro Rotary Golf Tournament