Business Checking
- No minimum monthly balance required, minimum balance to open $100
- No transaction charge
- Easy to balance monthly statements
- FREE return of check images for easy record keeping
- FREE coin and currency deposits
- FREE FNBillPay (up to 15 BillPays per month)
- FNBanking Online
- Order first debit card at no cost to you
- Customer purchases checks
Business Money Market
- Minimum opening deposit of $2,500
- If balance falls below $2,500 a $6 service fee will be charged
- Competitive interest rates
- FREE return of check images for easy record keeping
- FNBanking Online
- Order first debit card at no cost to you
- FREE coin and currency deposits
- FREE FNBillPay (up to 15 BillPays per month)
- Easy to balance monthly statements
- Transfers from a Money Market Account to another account or third parties by pre-authorized,automatic, or telephone transfers are limited to six per month (transactions made in person are unlimited)
- A $4 service fee will be charged for each debit transaction in excess of six during a statement cycle
- Customer purchases checks
Business Savings
- Minimum opening balance of $50
- Minimum balance to avoid imposition of fees
- A maintenance fee of $2.00 will be imposed every month if the balance in the account falls below $100.00 any day of the month.
- Easy to balance quarterly statement
- FNBanking Online
- An excessive withdrawal fee of $2 will be charged for each debit transaction (withdrawal, check paid, automatic transfer or payment out of this account) in excess of two during a month